Lesson 15: Simple past tense

Lesson 15: Simple past tense

यो tense को प्रयोग ‘अहिले अगाडि’ अथवा ‘विगतमा’ कुनै कुरो घट्यो भन्ने कुरा जनाउन प्रयोग हुन्छ । यो कालको नेपाली अनुवाद क्रिया अनुसार ‘खायो, सुत्यो, अनुवाद गर्यो, घृणा गरे, सताइन्’ इत्यादि हुन्छ ।

यो tense सामान्यतया: विगत जनाउने समय बोधक क्रिया विशेषणहरू (yesterday, the day before, ago, last, back)  सँग आउँछ ।


Subject + verb 2 + object (खायो)

Subject + didn’t+ verb1 + object (खाएन)

Did+ Subject + verb1+ Object? (खायो ?)

What+ did + subject + verb1 + Obj?

Note: करण (affirmative) बाहेकका सबै संरचनामा verb1 को प्रयोग हुन्छ ।


ऊ हिजो सात बजे आइपुग्यो । He arrived at 7 yesterday.

राजा १२ वर्ष अघि मरे ।         The king died 12 years ago.

उनीहरू छुट्टी मनाउन गए । They went on holiday.

मैले एउटा खबर सुने । I heard a piece of news.

उसले हामीलाई निम्तो दिएन । He didn’t invite us.

कसैले पनि घर सफा गरेन । Nobody cleaned the house.

पाँचवटा जन्मका वावजुद उनले कहिल्यै छोरी जन्माइनन् । Despite five births, she never had a baby girl.

उसलाई जागिर भेट्न मुश्किल भएन । He didn’t have difficulty finding a job.

More examples:

It rained all morning yesterday. It stopped at lunchtime.

We enjoyed the game last week. We ate fritters and hooted for our team. The game finished at 5 PM.

JIvan ran into the room, took off his hat and sat down on the couch.

Did you do the shopping?

Did you have a good time with her?

Did you go to work last Sunday?


हिजो पानी पर्यो ? Did it rain yesterday?

तिमीले पार्टीमा यो कपडा लगायौं ? What did you wear to the party?

कसैले तिमीलाई केही भन्यो ? Did anyone tell you anything?

तिमीलाई गत राति राम्रो निन्द्रा पर्यो ? Did you sleep well last night?

ढोका त लगायौं ? Did you lock the door?

तिमीहरू कहिले तराइ झर्योँ ? When did you migrate to Terai?

ऊ कति बजे गयो ? What time did he go?

यहाँ आउनु अगाडि तिमीले कहाँ काम गर्यो ? Where did you work  before you came here?

तिमीले कहिले भन्यो कि तिमी मलाई माया गर्छौं ? When did you tell me that you loved me?



मैले साँचो कहाँ राखेँ ?

Where have I kept my key?

मैले हिजो साँचो कहाँ राखेँ ?

Where did I keep the key yesterday?

यी दुईवटा वाक्यमा दुबै भूत काल जस्तो सुनिए पनि प्रथम वाक्य पूर्ण वर्तमान हो किन कि यो वाक्य अनुसार हामी अझै पनि साँचो खोजिरहेका छौं । अर्को वाक्य भने भूत काल हो ।

Simple past tense लाई When र as soon as सँग राखेर दुईवटा past का वाक्यहरूलाई जोड्न सकिन्छ तर यस्तो प्रयोग विगतमा एक पछि अर्को तुरुन्त भएका वाक्यहरूमा हुन्छ । यदि एउटा काम र अर्को कामको बीचमा समयको अन्तराल छ भने यो प्रयोग गर्नु हुँदैन । यस्तो प्रयोगमा When र as soon as ले ‘बित्तिकै’ भन्ने अर्थ दिन्छ । संरचना र केही उदाहरणहरू हेरौं ।

Simple past (दोस्रो काम) + when/ as soon as + Simple past (प्रथम काम).

When/ as soon as + Simple past (प्रथम काम), Simple Past (दोस्रो काम) .


सर्प देख्ने बित्तिकै ऊ चिच्यायो । He yelled when/as soon as he saw a snake/ As soon as/When he saw a snake, he yelled.

नोट: यहाँ ‘देख्ने’ काम पहिला भयो र ‘चिच्याउने’ काम दोस्रो भयो । यो क्रमलाई भुल्नु हुँदैन ।

अरू उदाहरणहरू:

म भित्र छिर्ने बित्तिकै बिरालो बाहिर भाग्यो । The cat ran out when I get in/ When I got in, the cat ran out.

चट्याङ्ग पर्ने बित्तिकै उसले मेरो अँगालोमा हाम फाली । She jumped into my embrace as soon as the thunder bolted/As soon as the thunder bolted, she jumped into my embrace.

ऊ सडकमा निस्कने बित्तिकै कसैले गोली ठोक्यो । Somebody shot him when he got on the road/ When he got on the road, somebody shot him.

राधाले फ्रिज खोल्ने बित्तिकै जमेको माकुरा देखी । Radha saw a frozen spider as soon as she opened the fridge/ As soon as she opened the fridge, Radha saw a frozen spider.


  1. Ram ________ the exam. (pass)
  2. ________ you ________ breakfast this morning? (eat)
  3. We ________ a movie together. (watch)
  4. I ________ the book. (not like)
  5. ________ she ________ to the party last night? (Enjoy)
  6. They ________ at a fancy restaurant. (eat)
  7. He ________ his keys. (lose)
  8. We ________ a trip to the beach. (have)
  9. I ________ the news yesterday. (not watch)
  10. ________ he ________ his project on time? (submit)
  11. They ________ a new car. (buy)
  12. He ________ a marathon. (top)
  13. We ________ at the club. (meet)
  14. I ________ the alarm clock. (not set)
  15. ________ she ________ the game? (win)
  16. They ________ from the concert. (run away)

Translate the following sentences into English:

  1. उनी १० घण्टा सुते ।
  2. हामीले सँगै किताब पढ्यौँ ।
  3. मलाई जवाफ थाहा थिएन ।
  4. उसले आमालाई फोन गर्यो?
  5. उनीहरू गाडी हाँकेर (drive to) पहाडतिर लागे।
  6. उनले गितार बजाउन सिकिन् ।
  7. हामीले सँगै खाना पकायौं।
  8. मैले परीक्षा पास गरिनँ ।
  9. उनले आफ्नो साथीलाई पार्कमा भेटिन्?
  10. तिनीहरू अर्कै देशमा उडेर गए। (fly to)
  11. उनले कलेजबाट स्नातक गरे। (graduate from)
  12. हामीले चाँदनी बारमा एउटा गीत गायौं।
  13. मैले पाठ बुझिन।
  14. उसले बाइक ठीक गर्यो? (fix)
  15. तिनीहरूले डुङ्गा भाडामा लिए। (rent)
  16. उनले कविता लेखे ।
  17. हामी पार्कमा हिँड्यौं।

Make ‘And You’ questions:

  1. I get up at 5 this morning. And you?
  2. I walked to the store. And you?
  3. She did not study for the exam. And you?
  4. They visited their grandparents over the weekend. And you?
  5. He played video games all night. And his wife?

मलाई सामाजिक सञ्जालमा फलो गर्नुहोस्:

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