Lesson 7: Past Continuous Tense

विगतको कुनै निश्चित समयमा कुनै काम भइरहेको थियो भन्ने कुरा जनाउन यो Tense को प्रयोग हुन्छ । यो विगतको निश्चित समय (हिजो साँझ, अस्ति सात बजे, यो समय हिजो/गत हप्ता/महिना/वर्ष इत्यादि) सँग वा When+ simple past सँग आउँछ । यो Tense ले ‘गर्दै थियो’ भन्ने जनाउँछ ।


Subject + was/were verb 4 + obj (गर्दै थियो)

Subject + was/were not verb 4 + obj (गर्दै थिएन)

Was/were + subject + verb 4 + obj? (गर्दै थियो ?)

Wh+ was/were + subject + verb 4 + obj?

अब केही उदाहरणहरू हरौं:

म हिजो सात बजे टिभी हेर्दै थिएँ । I was watching TV at 7 yesterday.

तिमीले फोन गर्दा भाइ पढ्दै थिएन । My brother was not reading when you called me.

हामीहरू घरबाट बाहिर निस्किँदा पानी पर्दै थियो । It was raining when we got out.

तिमी यति बेला दस वर्ष अगाडि कहाँ बस्दै थियौँ ? Where were you living this time ten years ago?

तिमी हिजो साँझ के गर्दै थियौँ ? What were you doing yesterday evening?

तिमी गत हप्ता कोसँग हिँडिरहेका थियौँ ? Who were you walking with last week?

बुबा बित्दा उनीहरू विदेशमा काम गर्दै थिए । They were working overseas when their father passed away.

गत वर्ष यति बेला हामी भाग्ने बारेमा सोचिरहेका थियौँ । We were thinking about running away this time last year.

मैले उसलाई बोलाए तर ऊ हरिरहेको थिएन । I called him, but he was not looking (at me).

राजुले खाना पकाउँदा आफ्नो हात जलायो । Raju brunt his hand while he was cooking.

हरि लड्दा सिलिङमा रंग लगाउँदै थियो । Hari was painting the ceiling when he fell off the ladder.

म फिल्मको मनोरञ्जन लिदै थिएँ तर किरणले घर फर्कने चाहना राख्यो । I was enjoying the film, but Kiran wanted to go home.

यो काल When र while जस्ता संयोजकसँग पनि आउँछ । यस्तो प्रयोगमा सामान्यतया निम्न प्रकारको ढाँचा हुन्छ ।

  1. When + Simple Past, past continuous/ Past continuous + when + simple past (गर्दा हुँदै थियो)

कुनै काम हुँदा अर्को काम हुँदै थियो भन्ने जनाउन यसको प्रयोग प्रयुक्त हुन्छ । जस्तै म घर फर्किँदा ऊ बजार जाँदै थियो । (He was going to the market when I returned home. उसले देश छोड्दा उसको बुबा अझै काम गर्दै हुनुहुन्थ्यो । (His father was still working when he left the country. केही अतिरिक्त उदाहरणहरू हेरौं ।

मैले फोन गर्दा के गर्दै थियौँ ? What were you doing when I called you?

तिमी बाहिर जाँदा पार्टी चल्दै थियो ? Was the party going on when you went out?

टेलिफोनको घण्टी बज्दा म तरकारी पकाउँदै थिएँ । When the telephone rang, I was cooking curry.

उनीहरू फर्किँदा ऊ बाहिर जाने तयारी गर्दै थियो । He was preparing to go out when they returned.

मैले बोलाउँदा सरिता मलाई हेरिरहेकी थिइन । Sarita was not looking at me when I called her.

भोज सुरु हुँदा निम्तालुहरू आउँदै थिए । The invitees were coming when the feast started.

  1.  While+ past continuous, simple past/ Simple past+  while + past continuous (गर्दा गर्दै भयो )

कुनै काम हुँदै गर्दा अर्को काम भयो भन्ने जनाउन यसको प्रयोग प्रयुक्त हुन्छ । जस्तै ऊ बजार जाँदा जाँदै म घर फर्किएँ । (I returned home while he was going home.) बुबाले अझै काम गरिरहँदा उसले देश छोड्यो । (He left the country while his father was still working.) केही अतिरिक्त उदाहरणहरू हेरौं ।

म पढ्दा पढ्दै निदाएँ । I fell asleep while I was reading.

पाहुनाहरू खाँदा खाँदै आए । The guests came while we were eating.

मैले जागिर छोड्ने बारेमा सोच्दै गर्दा मेरो बढुवा भयो । I was promoted while I was considering quitting the job.

हामीले वर्तमान पद्धतिलाई सुधार्दै गर्दा नयाँ पद्धतिको विकास गर्यौं । While we were improving the present method, we developed a new method.

मैले फिल्मको मनोरञ्जन लिदै गर्दा उ उठेर हिँड्यो । While I was enjoying the movie, he walked out.

दसै आउँदै गर्दा हामीसँग भएको पैसा सकियो । Our money ran out while the Dashain was approaching.

  1. While past continuous, while past continuous/ Past continuous +while + past continuous (गर्दै गर्दा हुँदै थियो)

कुनै काम हुँदै गर्दा अर्को काम हुँदै थियो भन्ने जनाउन यसको प्रयोग प्रयुक्त हुन्छ । जस्तै म घर फर्कदै गर्दा ऊ बजार जाँदै थियो । (He was going to the market while I was getting back home. कुकुरहरू धूलोमा खेल्दै गर्दा केटाकेटीहरू पौडी खेल्दै थिए । (The children were swimming while the dogs were willowing in dirt. केही अतिरिक्त उदाहरणहरू हेरौं ।

मैले गाउँदै गर्दा ऊ बाँसुरी बजाउँदै थियो । He was playing the fife while I was singing.

शिक्षकले पढाउँदै गर्दा विद्यार्थीहरू हल्ला गर्दै थिए । The students were making noise while the teacher was teaching.

तिमीले मलाई आफ्नो कथा सुनाउँदै गर्दा म गुनगुनाउँदै थिए । I was humming while you were relating me your story.

उनीहरूले परीक्षाको तयारी गर्दै गर्दा हामी परीक्षा दिँदै थियौँ । We were doing the exams while they were preparing for their exams.

युवाहरू विदेशिइ रहँदा सरकार उनीहरूलाई रोक्न केही गरिरहेको थिएन । The government was not doing anything to stop the youths while they were going abroad.


  1. I was cooking dinner while he ________ the dishes. (do)
  2. I was cooking breakfast when the fire alarm ________ off. (go)
  3. She ________ a movie when the baby woke up. (watch)
  4. She was studying for her exam while I ________ on my project. (work)
  5. He was practicing his guitar while his brother ________ to music. (listen)
  6. She was taking a shower while her roommates ________ ready for the party. (get ready)I was making dinner when the doorbell ________. (ring)
  7. She was walking her dog when it ________to rain. (start)
  8. I was walking to the store while he ________ errands. (run)
  9. They were having a picnic while the sun ________. (shine)
  10. He was watching a movie while his friends ________ video games. (play)
  11. I was doing laundry while my partner ________ the house. (clean)
  12. He was playing video games when his parents ________ home. (come)
  13. They were playing soccer while we ________ the game. (watch)
  14. I was writing a letter to my friend while my sister ________ a book. (read)
  15. I was studying for my exam when my phone ________. (break down)

Translate the following sentences into English:

  1. बिजुली जाँदा उनी नुहाउँदै थिइन् ।
  2. आँधी सुरु हुँदा उनी घाँस काटिरहेका थिए।
  3. कोठा सफा गर्दै गर्दा उसले आफ्नो हराएको पर्स फेला पार्यो ।
  4. मेरो छिमेकीले ढोका ढकटक्याउँदा म गितारको अभ्यास गर्दै थिएँ।
  5. मेरो भाइ भिडियो गेम खेल्दै गर्दा मैले गृहकार्य पूरा गरें।
  6. म मेरो परीक्षाको लागि पढ्दै गर्दा उसले खाना खायो।
  7. हामी पिकनिक खाँदै गर्दा उनीहरूले सूर्यास्त हेरे।
  8. उसले ब्रेकफास्ट बनाइरहेको बेला उनले नुहाइन्।
  9. मेरी आमा किनमेल गर्न बाहिर जाँदा मैले घर सफा गरें।
  10. साथीहरू बाहिर खेलिरहेको बेला उनले ध्यान गरे।
  11. हामी चलचित्र हेर्दै गर्दा उनीहरू हिँड्न गए।
  12. उसले घाँस काटिरहेको बेला उनले केक बनाए (bake)।
  13. बहिनी सुतिरहेको बेला मैले एउटा किताब पढेँ।
  14. मैले भाँडा माझिरहेको बेला उसले चिठी लेख्यो ।


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