Lesson 11: Present Perfect tense

Lesson 11: Present Perfect tense

Present Perfect को प्रयोग विगतमा कुनै घटना घट्यो र सो घटनाको असर अझैसम्म छ भन्ने कुरा जनाउन गरिन्छ । Present Perfect ‘अहिले’ सँग सम्बन्धित हुन्छ । यसको अर्थ ‘एको छ’ हुन्छ । तर स्मरण रहोस् कहिले कहिले झट्ट सुन्दा सामान्य भूत (simple past) जस्तो लाग्ने अभिव्यक्तिले पनि Present Perfect जनाइरहेको हुन्छ ।
केही उदाहरणहरू हेरौं-

भाइ बजार गएको छ ।  My brother has gone to the market.
कृष्ण धारावासीले धेरै उपन्यासहरू लेख्नु भएको छ । Krishna Dharabasi has authored several novels.
हामीले बाघ देखेका छैनौं । We have not seen a tiger.

Subject + has/have +verb 3+ object (खाएको छ, गएको छ)
Subject + has/have just +verb3+ object (भर्खरै खाएको छ, भर्खरै गएको छ)
Subject + has/have already +verb3+ object (खाइ सक्यो, गइ सक्यो)
Subject + has/have not +verb 3+ object (खाएको छैन, गएको छैन)
Subject + has/have not +verb 3+ object yet (अझै सम्म खाएको छैन, अझैसम्म गएको छैन)
Has/ Have+ Subject + verb 3+ object? (खाएको छ, गएको छ ?)
Has/ Have+ Subject + verb 3+ object yet? (खाइ सक्यो? गइ सक्यो?
Wh + has/ have+ Subject + verb 3+ object?

नोटः अर्थ ‘एको छ’ भन्ने भए पनि हामी व्यवहारमा ‘यो’ प्रत्यय लगाउँछौं । यस्तो अवस्थामा ‘यो’ आयो भनेर Simple past tense को प्रयोग गर्न हुन्न । Simple past tense सँग सामान्यतया past समय आउँछ भने present perfect tense सामान्यतया past समय हुँदैन ।

नेपाली English
उनले आफ्नो गृहकार्य पूरा गरिसकेका छन् । He has completed his homework.
उनीहरुले आफ्नो परियोजना पूरा गरिसकेका छन् । They have finished their project.
मैले मेरो साथीलाई पत्र लेखेको छु। I have written a letter to my friend.
उनले आफ्नो छुट्टीको लागि उडान बुक गरेकी छिन्। She has booked a flight for her vacation.
उनी भर्खरै आफ्नो व्यापार यात्राबाट फर्किएका छन् । He has just returned from his business trip.
हामीले भर्खरै आयोजना पूरा गरेका छौं। We have just completed the project.
टोलीले भर्खरै खेल जितेको छ । The team has just won the game.
उनीहरु भर्खरै छाडेका छन् । They have just left.
कुकुरले पहिले नै चेन खुस्काइसकेको छ। The dog has already undone the chain.
उनले आफ्नो गृहकार्य पूरा गरिसकेकी छिन् । She has already finished her homework.
उनले आफ्नो फ्लाइट बुक गरिसकेका छन् । He has already booked his flight.
उनीहरुले अहिलेसम्म फिल्म हेरेका छैनन् । They have not seen the movie yet.
मैले मेरो प्याकेज प्राप्त गरेको छैन। I have not received my package.
उनले आफ्नो परियोजना पूरा गरेका छैनन्। He has not finished his project.
बालबालिकाले अहिलेसम्म दाँत माझेका छैनन् । The kids have not brushed their teeth yet.
हामीले अझै बेलुकाको खाना बनाएका छैनौं। We have not made dinner yet.
मैले अहिलेसम्म आफ्नो काम पूरा गरेको छैन। I have not completed my work yet.
शिक्षकले कपि काटेका छन्? Has the teacher graded the tests?
उहाँहरु पार्टीमा पुग्नुभएको छ ? Have they arrived at the party?
रेलले स्टेशन छोडेको छ? Has the train left the station?
बच्चा उठिसक्यो? Has the baby woken up yet?
तपाईंले आफ्नो प्याकेज प्राप्त गरिसक्नुभयो? Have you received your package yet?
पानी रोकिसक्यो? Has the rain stopped yet?
भान्साको सरसफाई कसले गर्यो ? Who has cleaned the kitchen?
यस पटक कुकुरले के नष्ट गर्यो? What has the dog destroyed this time?
उसले आफ्नो चाबी कहाँ लुकायो? Where has he hidden his keys?

More  sentences:

नेपालीहरू विकासमा निकै पछि परेका छन् । The Nepalese have lagged far behind in terms of development.
भारतले नेपालीहरूको विश्वास तोडेको छ । India has broken the trust of Nepali people.
भरतले मलाई भर्खरै टेलिफोन गरेको छ । Bharat has just called me.
हामीले भर्खरै काठमाडौंमा एक टुक्रा जमिन किनेका छौं । We have just bought a plot of land in Kathmandu.
सलमानले भर्खरै यो वर्ष नयाँ सिनेमा नखेल्ने निर्णय गरेको छ । Salman has just decided not to do any new movies this year.
भाइले भर्खरै दाह्री काटेको छ । Brother has just shaved himself.
मैले सो सिनेमा पहलै हेरी सकेँ । I have already seen that movie.
उनीहरूले आफ्नो विगत बिर्सिसकें । They have already forgotten their past.
मैले आफ्नो नयाँ कपडा पहिलै लगाइसकें । I have already worn my new clothes.
उनीहरूले आफ्नो परियोजना पहिलै बुझाइ सके । They have already submitted their project
म पोखरा पुगेको छुइन । I have not been to Pokhara.
धेरै मान्छेहरू काठमाडौं बाहिर गएका छैनन् । Many people have not gone out of Kathmandu.
हामीले आफूले भनेका कुरा पूरा गर्न सकेका छैनौं । We have not been able to live up to what we said.
उसले आफ्नो असफल विगत बिर्सि सकेको छैन । He has not forgotten this unsuccessful past yet.
मैले अझै सम्म उसलाई भेटेको छुइन । I have not seen him yet.
त्यत्रा अप्ठेरा परिस्थितिका वावजुद उसले आफ्नो व्यवहार अझै सुधार गरेको छैन । Despite the queasy circumstances, he has not reformed.
पानी पर्न अझै सम्म रोकिएको छैन । It has not stopped raining yet.
बस अझैसम्म आएको छैन । The bus has not arrived yet.
आइसक्रिम खाएका छौं? Have you eaten an ice-cream?
घोडा चढेका छौं? Have you ridden a horse?
चिठ्ठी लेखी सक्यौं ? Have you written the letter yet?
काका गइ सक्नु भयो ? Has uncle gone yet?
मोबाइल किनी सक्यौं ? Have you bought a mobile phone yet?
चिया पाकी सक्यो ? Has the tea been ready yet?
तिमीले किन छाता ल्याएका ? “विश्वास गर । आज पानी पर्ने वाला छ ।“ Why have you carried the umbrella? “Trust me. It is going to rain today.”
तिम्रो बूढो कता लुकेका छन् ? Where has your husband hidden?
तिमी कति पटक हवाईजहाज चढेका छौं ? How many times have you traveled by air?
तिम्रो साँचो खोइ ? ‘मलाई थाह छैन । हरायो ।‘ Where is your key? “I don’t know. It has got lost.’
उसले मलाई आफ्नो गाउँको नाम भनेको थियो तर मैले बिर्सिएँ (वा बिर्सिएको छु) He told me the name of his village but I have forgotten it.
तिमीले मेरो भाइ देख्यौं (वा देखेका छौं) ? Have you seen my brother?
जीवन कहाँ गयो (वा गएको छ) ? Where has Jivan gone?
ऐया! मैले आफ्नो औँला काटेँ (वा काटेको छु) । Ouch! I have cut my finger.
बाटामा दुर्घटना भएको छ । केही त्यता जान पाउँदैन । There has been an accident on the way. No one can go there.
सर्वोच्चका कर्मचारीले अझैसम्म लोकमानलाई पत्र थमाएका छैनन् । The employee from Supreme court has not handed the letter to Lok Man.

तिमीले आफ्नो नयाँ कपडा लगाइ सक्यौं ? Have your worn your new clothe yet?

ब्राजिलले कति पल्ट विश्वकप जितेको छ ?  How many times has Brazil won the world cup?
तिम्रा नयाँ छिमेकीले तिमीलाई भेटिसके ? Has your new neighbor seen you yet?
उसले जागिर भेटि सक्यो ? Has he found a job yet?
तिमीले मलाई बिर्सियौं (कि क्या हो) ? Have you forgotten me?
केही खाने हो ? “धन्यवाद । मैले भर्खरै ब्रेकफास्ट गरेको हो ।“ Would you like something to eat? “Thank you. But I have just eaten breakfast.”
भर्खर फर्केको हो ? Have you just returned?
बुबालाई फोन गर्न नबिर्स । “मैले पहिला नै फोन गरिसके । उहाँ भोलि आउँदै हुनुहुन्छ ।“ Don’t forget to call your father. “I have already phoned him. He is coming tomorrow.
सरकारले सम्बिधान कार्यान्वयन गर्ने कुनै ठोस कदम चालेको छैन । The government has not taken a concrete step to implement the constitution.
गाडि कति बजे आउँछ ? “अघि आएर गइ सक्यो ।“ What time does the bus come? “It has already come and gone.”
पानी पर्ने रोकिइसक्यो ? Has it stopped raining?
मैले केही कथाहरू लेखेकी छु तर अझैसम्म कुनै कथा छापेकी छुइन । I have written some stories but I have not had any published.
उनीहरूले हामीलाई अप्ठेरो अवस्थामा सहयोग गरेका छन् । They have helped us in hard times.
अन्तिममा म यो समस्या समाधान गर्न सक्षम भएको छु । Finally, I have been able to solve this problem.

‘Gone’ or ‘Been’
‘Go’ को प्रयोग Present Perfect tense मा गर्दा सावधानी अपनाउनु पर्ने हुन्छ । हुन त हामी व्यवहारमा “तिमी काठमाडौं गएका छौं ?” वा “मेरो बुबा धेरै पटक भारत जानु भएको छ“ भन्छौ । यी अभिव्यक्तिलाई अनुवाद गर्दा verb 3 को रूपमा gone प्रयोग गर्न मिल्दैन । यसको कारण के हो भने Present Perfect tense को प्रयोग विगतमा भएको तर असर अझै सम्म रहेको काममा गरिन्छ । “तिमी काठमाडौं गएका छौं ?” भनेर सोध्दा वा “मेरो बुबा धेरै पटक भारत जानु भएको छ“ भन्दा ‘तिमी’ र ‘बुबा’ अहिले क्रमशः काठमाडौं र भारत मा हुनुपर्छ, जुन असम्भव हुन्छ । त्यसैले यस्तो अवस्थामा ‘gone’ को सट्टामा ‘been’ को प्रयोग गरिन्छ ।
“तिमी काठमाडौं गएका छौं ?” (वा तिमी यही छौं ।) Have you been to Kathmandu?
“मेरो बुबा धेरै पटक भारत जानु भएको छ ।“ (वा बुबा यही हुनुहुन्छ) My father has been to India many times.

भाइ बजार गएको छ । (भाइ यहाँ छैन) My brother has gone to the market.
बुबा भारत जानु भएको छ । (बुबा यहाँ हुनुहुन्न ) My father has gone to India.

Sentence completion exercises:

  1. I _____________ (already study) for three hours.
  2. They _____________ (not arrive) yet.
  3. _____________ they _____________ (finish) their homework yet?
  4. He _____________ (not start) his homework yet.
  5. _____________ he _____________ (call) his parents yet?
  6. They _____________ (not leave) for their vacation yet.
  7. She _____________ (not go) to bed yet.
  8. _____________ they _____________ (arrive) yet?
  9. How many times _____________ (she/see) that movie?
  10. How long _____________ (he/work) here?
  11. _____________ she _____________ (make) breakfast yet?
  12. _____________ (you/have) lunch yet?
  13. _____________(you/be) to Pokhara?
  14. _____________ (your father/ride) a horse?
  15. They _____________(not understand) the issue yet.

Fill in the blanks with ‘gone’ or ‘been’

  1. Raj has ____ to the store to buy some groceries. We are short of food.
  2. I have ____ to Paris twice.
  3. He has ____ to the gym to work out.
  4. They have ____ on a road trip to explore the country. They will come back soon.
  5. She has ____ to Japan and loved the culture and food.
  6. He has ____ to several countries in Europe and visited famous landmarks.
  7. They have ____ to Mexico for vacation and enjoyed the beaches.
  8. She has ____ to visit her grandparents.
  9. They have ____ to the park to play sports. They are not at home.
  10. We have ____ to New York City multiple times and always find something new to do.

Translate the following sentences into English:

  1. मैले बिहानको खाजा खाएँ।
  2. उनले आफ्नो गृहकार्य पूरा गरिसकेकी छिन् ।
  3. उनीहरु होटल पुगिसकेका छन् ।
  4. हामी 10 वर्षदेखि साथी छौं।
  5. उनी काममा निस्किसकेका छन् ।
  6. मैले भर्खरै एउटा इमेल प्राप्त गरेको छु।
  7. उनीहरुले अहिलेसम्म फिल्म हेरेका छैनन् ।
  8. मलाई केही दिनदेखि ज्वरो आएको छ ?
  9. उनी पाँच वर्षदेखि विवाहित छन् ।
  10. हामीले पार्टीमा राम्रो समय बिताएका छौं। (have a good time)
  11. उनले पढाइमा निकै प्रगति गरेका छन् ।
  12. मैले मेरो चाबीहरू हराएको छु, के तपाईंले तिनीहरूलाई देख्नुभयो?
  13. हामीले धेरै देश घुमेका छौं ।
  14. उनले यस विषयमा धेरै पुस्तकहरू पढेका छन्।

Translate the following paragraph into English:

टोलीले आफ्नो लक्ष्य हासिल गर्न कडा मेहनत गरेको छ। उनीहरूले धेरै परियोजनाहरू पूरा गरेका छन् र अरू कुरामा महत्त्वपूर्ण प्रगति गरेका छन्। टोलीको समर्पण र कडा परिश्रमबाट टोली नेता प्रभावित भएका छन्। टोलीले आफ्ना ग्राहकहरूबाट पनि सकारात्मक प्रतिक्रिया र नयाँ उर्जा प्राप्त गरेको छ। उनीहरूले सुधारका लागि क्षेत्रहरू पनि पहिचान गरेका छन् र निरन्तर सफलता सुनिश्चित गर्न परिवर्तनहरू लागू गरेका छन्। समग्रमा, टोलीले उच्च स्तरको व्यावसायिकता प्रदर्शन गरेको छ र संगठनमा बहुमूल्य योगदान दिएको छ।मलाई सामाजिक सञ्जालमा फलो गर्नुहोस्:

ट्विटरमा:  https://twitter.com/ghimiresantu




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