Lesson 10: I do vs. I am doing

Learn English with Me: I do vs. I am doing

अस्थायी अवस्थामा I am doing को प्रयोग हुन्छ ।

पानी उम्लँदै छ । हिटर बन्द गरूँ ?

The water is boiling. Can you turn the heater off? (अहिले उम्लिरहेको छ)

ती मान्छेहरूको कुरा सुन । उनीहरू कुन भाषा बोलिरहेका छन् ?

Listen to those people. What language are they speaking? (अहिले बोल्दैछन्)

बाहिर जाऔं । घाम लागिरहेको छैन ।

Let’s go out. The sun is not shining now.

तिमी अहिले के गर्दै छौं ?

What are you doing now?

म फ्लाट नभेटुन्जेलका लागि साथीहरूसँग बस्दैछु ।

I’m living with some friends until I find a flat.

मेरो बुबा यो उमेरमा पौडी खेल्न सिक्दै हुनुहुन्छ ।

My father is learning to swim at this age.

त्यो मान्छे तिम्रो कारको ढोका खोल्न खोज्दैछ ।

That man is trying to open the door of your car.

तिमी रेडियो सुन्दै छौं ?

Are you listening to the radio?

को बोल्दै छ ?

Who is speaking?

उनीहरू कही जाँदै छैनन् ।

They are not going anywhere.

तर स्थायी काममा I do को प्रयोग हुन्छ ।

पानी १०० डिग्रीमा उम्लन्छ ।

Water boils at 100 degrees celsius.

माफ गर्नुहोस्, तपाईं तामाङ भाषा बोल्नुहुन्छ ?

Excuse me, do you speak Tamang?

हिउँदमा त्यति घाम लाग्दैन ।

The sun does not shine very much in winter.

तपाईं सामान्यतया सप्ताहन्तमा के गर्नुहुन्छ ?

What do you usually do at weekends?

तिमी आफ्नी प्रेमिकासँग बस्दै छौं ?

Do you live with your girl friend?

प्राय जसो मान्छेहरू केटाकेटी मै पौडी खेल्न सिक्छन् ।

Most people learn to swim when they are children.

उ खुसी हुने प्रयास गर्छ तर सक्दैन ।

He tries to be cheerful, but to no avail.

तिमी प्रत्येक दिन रेडियो सुन्छौं ?

Do you listen to the radio every day?

रमिता भाषामा अब्बल छे । ऊ चार वटा भाषा राम्ररी बोल्छे ।

Ramita is very good at languages. She speaks four languages very well.

पृथ्वी चन्द्रमाको वरिपरि जाँदैन ।

The earth does not go round the sun.

I always do and I’m always doing

‘We always do something’ भन्नाले हामी सधैँ यो काम गर्छौं भन्ने अर्थ लाग्छ

We always walk to work.

म सधैँ अफिससम्म/कामसम्म हिड्छु ।

They always burrow salt from us.

उनीहरू सधैँ हाम्रोबाट नुन लान्छन् ।

‘We’re always doing something’ भन्नाले हामी प्राय: वा धेरै यो काम गर्छौं भन्ने अर्थ लाग्छ ।

You’ve lost my key again. You’re always losing things.

यहाँ प्रयोग भएको always ले निकै वा धेरै भन्ने अर्थ दिन्छ । अरू उदाहरणहरू हेरौं;

He’s always watching television. He should do something more active.

ऊ निकै टेलिभिजन हेर्छ । उसले कुनै सक्रिय काम गर्नुपर्छ ।

Umesh is never quiet. He’s always complaining.

उमेर कहिल्यै शान्त बस्दैन । ऊ सधैँ कचकच गरिरहन्छ ।

Non-continuous verbs: केही यस्ता verbs हरू छन् जसलाई सामान्यतया continuous tense मा प्रयोग गर्न मिल्दैन । यसको अर्थ हो, तिनीहरूलाई continuous tense बाहेकका tense मा प्रयोग गरिनुपर्छ । ती verbs हरूको सूची निम्न अनुसार दिइएको छ:

Like        love         hate

Want        need        prefer

Know       realize       suppose

Mean       understand   believe

Remember   belong       contain

Consist      depend      seem


ऊ चकलेट मन पराउँछ ।

He likes chocolates.

म ढिलो हुन मन गराउँदिन ।

I don’t like to be late.

रामलाई सीता भन्दा हरिको प्रेमिका मन पर्छ ।

Ram prefers Hari’s girl friend to Sita.

तिमीले भन्न खोजेको कुरा के हो ?

What do you mean?

म तिमीलाई घृणा गर्न मन पराउँछु ।

I love to hate you.

मलाई सम्झन्छौं ?

Do you remember me?

मलाई बुझ्दैछौं ?

Do you understand me?

ऊ धनी छ जस्तो छ ।

He seems to be rich.

यो ब्लगमा अंग्रेजी पाठहरू समावेश छन् ।

This blog contains English lessons.

मान्छेहरू सामान्यतया अरूलाई विश्वास गर्दैनन् ।

People don’t usually believe others.

म तिमीलाई घृणा गरिरहेको छुइन ।

I don’t hate you.

तिमी अझै आफ्ना बा-आमामा आश्रित छौं ।

You still depend on your parents.

मेरो खाँचो परिरहेको हो ?

Do you need me?

Think लाई लाग्नुको अर्थमा प्रयोग गर्दा पनि यसलाई present tense मा राखिनु पर्छ ।

What do you think I should do?

मैले के गर्नु पर्छ जस्तो लाग्छ ?

I think you should marry.

मलाई लाग्छ तिमीले बिहे गर्नु पर्छ ।

तर अन्य अवस्थामा यो क्रिया दुबै काममा प्रयोग गर्न सकिन्छ ।

He only thinks about you.

ऊ तिम्रो बारेमा मात्र सोच्छ ।

He is thinking of studying medicine.

ऊ चिकित्साशास्त्र पढ्ने बारेमा सोच्दैछ ।

‘Have’ लाई ‘सँग हुनु’ अर्थमा कहिल्यै पनि continuous tense  मा लग्न मिल्दैन ।


मसँग केही साथीहरू छन् ।

I have a few friends.

उनको टाउको दुखेको छ ।

She has a headache.


राम नुहाउँदै छ ।

Ram is having a bath.

उनीहरू जमिन हेर्दैछन् ।

They are having a look at the land.

See  hear  smell  taste पनि non-continuous verbs हुन् ।

त्यहाँकी केटी देख्छौ ?

Do you see the girl over there?

यो कोठो गनाउँदैछ । झ्याल खोल न बिन्ती ।

This room smells. Please open the window.

तर See  लाई भने present continuous tense प्रयोग गर्न मिल्छ । तर यस्तो प्रयोगमा भविष्यमा भेट्नु भन्ने अर्थ आउँछ ।

म भोलि चिकित्सकलाई भेट्दै छु ।

I am seeing the doctor tomorrow.

‘be’ लाई सामान्यतया present continuous tense मा प्रयोग गर्न नमिले पनि selfish, generous, supportive, friendly आदि जस्ता व्यवहारगत/गुणात्मक विशेषणहरूसँग यसको प्रयोग हुन सक्छ । तर अर्थ नकारात्मक जस्तै हुन्छ । निम्न उदाहरणहरूलाई हेरौं :-

ऊ दानी छ ।                          ऊ दानी देखिँदैछ (तर सामान्यतया दानी छैन)

He is generous.                                               He is being generous.

उनीहरू मित्रवत् छन् ।                        उनीहरू मित्रवत् देखिँदैछन् (तर सामान्यतया छैनन्)

They are friendly.                                           They are being friendly.

Look Feel दुबै कालमा प्रयुक्त हुन्छ र दुबै कालमा यिनले एउटै अर्थ दिन्छन् ।

I am feeling cold.

I feel cold.

(माथिका दुबै वाक्यको अर्थ- मलाई जाडो भयो भन्ने हुन्छ)

You are looking stunning.

You look stunning

(तिमी मनमोहक देखिएका छौं )


  1. I (walk/am walking) to school every day.
  2. He (works/is working) at the company for 10 years.
  3. They (play/are playing) soccer in the park.
  4. She (writes/is writing) a novel.
  5. It (rains/is raining) heavily today.
  6. We (have/are having) dinner at 6pm.
  7. You (study/are studying) for your exam tomorrow.
  8. The dog (barks/is barking) at the mailman.
  9. I (watch/am watching) TV in my free time.
  10. The children (sing/are singing) a song.
  11. He (thinks/is thinking) about buying a new car.
  12. The train (arrives/is arriving) at 8:00 am.
  13. She (speaks/is speaking) Spanish fluently.
  14. I (have/am having) a headache.
  15. The music (sounds/is sounding) great.
  16. They (decide/are deciding) on a vacation destination.
  17. The flowers (smell/are smelling) wonderful.
  18. He (tries/is trying) to fix the broken lamp.
  19. The water (boils/is boiling) on the stove.
  20. She (goes/is going) to the gym every day.
  21. She (grows/is growing) her own vegetables.
  22. The baby (cries/is crying) for milk.
  23. He (understands/is understanding) the concept.
  24. They (believe/are believing) in ghosts.
  25. I (see/am seeing) the doctor today.
  26. She (throws/is throwing) a party for her friends.
  27. The dog (bites/is biting) the mailman.
  28. He (hides/is hiding) the gift behind the couch.
  29. They (wins/are winning) the game.
  30. The cat (lies/is lying) on the windowsill.

मलाई सामाजिक सञ्जालमा फलो गर्नुहोस्:

ट्विटरमा:  https://twitter.com/ghimiresantu





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